Monday, April 14, 2014

Conversation with Self Script and Video

G1- Hey?
G1- Do you know what time it is?
G2- Yeah its 11:45
G1- What time do I have class tomorrow?
G2- 8:00 am as always
G1- hmm, I really feel like dancing, I think ill go to the studios
G2- Are you sure that’s a good idea?
G1- Ofcourse, why?
G2- Think of how much you’ve already danced today?
G1- yeah but its my passion mom
G2-  you have already danced 8 hours today and gone to the gym..
G1- So, what else is there to do tonight?
G2- You can finish your DMA project or catch up on sleep
G1- What does it look like im doing right now…and sleep is for the weak
G2- Actually as active as you are your body really needs enough sleep to maintain energy & avoid injury
G1- Ill be back by 1:30 though
G2- Even if you went to sleep now you would not get the needed 8 hours
G1- You have a point, but I have too much energy to sleep right now. Plus I need to work on comp
G2- Then take a benedryl, it will help you sleep. You can find time tomorrow to work on comp
G1- Benedryl is stupid, ill take 5 just to prove you wrong (takes it)
G2-  noo.. (too late) hahah good luck
(15 minutes later)
G1- alright peace out G$, im heading to the studios soon
G2- Bye (Drinks water)
G1- Wait do you know where my head phones are?
G2- In your blue back pack
G1- (checks) no there not
G2- Oh wait there right here (hands them over)
G1- Also can I use that water bottle
G2- No
G1- You don’t need it
G2- Yes I do, im using it right now
G1- just finish you water and give it here
G2- No, ill take my damn time
G1- *Yawns* cmon man
G2- Why don’t you try to get it
G1- tries to reach but is really tired
G2- Wow, all of a sudden your not doing so well
G1- nah im fine, just gonna go dance it off
G2- alright see you later
G1- *tries to get up and falls over* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
G2-hehehe *drinks water*

 Although it took me a few takes to get the whole conversation and some patience to edit the video,I am generally happy with the result of this video and the composition process that i went through. A few of my transitions and cuts could have been cleaner, however I am becoming more confident with editing and executing such video compositions. I decided to write a script on an internal struggle that I have almost every night; To go work on dance in the studio vs.spend such time doing homework, catching up on sleep etc... I have had a long history of dance related injuries thus far at UNCSA, largely due to muscle overuse. My mind tends to get ahead of my body, and this video has actually helped me think clearly and weigh out my decisions regarding this issue. I understand that it is important to take care of my body and stay patient in both my academics and dance classes.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Composing a New Media Video

 Composing a New Media Video

Composing my new media video (in comparison to my past audio composition), turned out to be more difficult, yet a much more rewarding experience. Completing last week’s audio composition was almost too simple- possibly because I frequently use audacity to edit music for dance purposes. However, prior to this weekend, I have never been challenged with recording, organizing and editing video clips. Consequently, this was definitely a learning experience. I struggled making this video by myself of a few hours, before turning to a friend in the film department for an editing tutorial and advice concerning which software to use. Sometimes while composing media through unfamiliar processes, you need to be resourceful, and at times, ask for help. In this case, I used “Final Cut Express.” I set alarms throughout each day to remind myself to take videos. After looking at my first 6 seconds of video (from Monday), I realized how boring and un- original all my clips were. So, instead of just taking the usual videos of the cafeteria, my room, etc… I decided to take videos of the unusual/ obscure things that I experience throughout my week. With this being said, though it is unique, my final product seems relatively fanatical and non- sequential. It was especially hard to use only 30 of my 600 total seconds of footage. Finally, I am curious to see how the mood/ feeling of my new media composition would change with a completely different sound score, such as a song or poem.