Monday, February 10, 2014

Medium is the Massage: Quotes/ Themes

1. As soon as information is acquired, it is very rapidly replaced by still newer information.

2.The worldpool of information fathered by electric media—movies, Telstar, flight-
far surpasses any possible influence mom and dad can now bring to bear.

3. The professional tends to classify and to specialize, to accept uncritically the ground-rules of the environment. The ground-rules provided by the mass response of his colleagues serve as a pervasive environment of which he is contentedly and unaware.

4. At the high speeds of electronic communication, purely visual means of
apprehending the world are no longer possible; they are just too slow to
be relevant or effective.

5. Until writing was invented, man lived in an acoustic space: boundless, directionless, horizonless, in the dark of mind, in the world of emotion, by primordial intuition, by terror.

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